Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Green Friday 2016 Preview

So I am preparing for one of my favorite days of the year. As followers of this blog might recall, Black Friday is a special day for me. I spend hours mapping out my route, as well as looking for the items I have highlighted for the season. Each year I also add a quest, the one item that I decided  I am going to look for, but was not highlighted ( like crockpots) on all the doorbuster flyers.

Each year the stores all have the staple items: crockpots, ( which is a special item for me on black Friday as well, as the day is not complete without at least one gracing my trunk). blenders,  TVs, Computers, etc. However, occasionally there are unique items buried in plethora of goods, and they are an adventure to find,

However, this year I decided that I want a dehydrator. None of the usual suspects seem to have them as a doorbuster, so I will need to get a general percent off deal on electronics, or something like that, to get a good score. I will need to have FBB track the trend for me to see if the sale prices are really that good, or if I should wait for later in the season.  I also am looking for wireless headphones that are on sale,  and the sneaker that I wear every day.

Stay tuned for reports on the adventure.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

A New, New Day Dawning

I got up on Wednesday morning, decidedly a bit groggy from watching President-Elect Trump's acceptance speech (which was thankfully earlier than expected, since his opponent took her ball and went home without a concession). I stepped outside. The grass was a little greener ( browner?) the sky a little bluer, the air a bit crisper. I had a spring in my step and a calmness in my soul that had not been there for eight years. In fact, it had not been there since just before I wrote this  back on election day is 2008. I was right then, and I was right about this election as well.

I am not saying that things are automatically going to be perfect. Mr. Trump has not proven that he will be able to rise to the occasion and the job. However, I have seen enough towards the end of the election to feel comfortable enough that he will certainly give it a credible effort.  He is a proven successful businessman, and has run his companies, and built large projects, both in and out of New York City ( that being no mean feat, trying to get something done within all the bureaucracy and political agendas in the City), that are of quality construction, on time and within budget. These are all good qualities in a leader, and qualities that were sorely lacking in our current president, much to the detriment of the country.

So it is with HOPE in my heart and CHANGE on the winds that I look forward to the coming presidency, that we will be restored to the place and position that made America great once, and can make us great once again.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Dangerous Parking

I have a real issue with people using religion to justify bad acts.

This comes in to play in many ways, but I will focus on a pet peeve of mine. I go to a center learning at night. This place touts itself as THE epicenter of learning in the evening for working people. There is also a Simcha hall downstairs. The parking at this place is not nearly sufficient for all the people that come here on a nightly basis, and when there is an event downstairs at night, the entire area gets gridlocked.

What bothers me is twofold. One, there is a fire lane along the side of the building going down to the lower parking area. This line is almost always full of cars. Even when the parking lot is empty! recently I saw a person pull up behind two cars already parked there. The first car belongs to an idiot. I know this because I know him. I have discussed parking in the fire lane many times, to no avail. The second car belongs to an older gentleman who recently started parking in the fire lane. Perhaps there is an underlying reason, as I know him as well, and he is a good person who would not park there unless there was a legitimate reason.

Anyhow, this third car pulls in behind them. That evening there were probably ten or twelve spots available in the parking lot, which holds about twenty spots. (NOT including the fire lane). I asked the guy to please move his car and not park in the fire lane, which. to his credit, he did. He probably didn't even realize it is a no parking zone, since he just pulled up behind two parked cars. However, the one who parks there every night as if it is his personal spot is at fault here.

The second issue is that the synagogue has requested, out of deference to and for goodwill with its neighbors, that cars only park on one side of the street. This is also not honored. the other day I saw someone pull up and park. I gently  mentioned to him that it has been requested that he not park on that side. He not only blew me off, but was setting a fine example of selfishness and lack of decency for his fellow man to his children, who were with him.

These actions are beyond selfish. Parking in a fire lane, which makes it difficult for emergency vehicles to get close to the building should there be a real emergency, puts every single person in the building in danger. how can one deliberately put his friends and neighbors into danger and not care a whit? I don't get it. Parking in front of the building on the wrong side of the street puts all the parking for everyone else at risk, as it annoys the neighbors, creates an impossible driving situation, and also prevents an emergency vehicle from being able to get down the street quickly.

i have seen this same behavior at other study halls and synagogues throughout Monsey.

My position on this is that if you are going to do these things, please don't come to learn; stay home, watch TV, go to a movie, read a novel, your learning is worthless.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Different Time, Same Spots

I know I said i wouldn't talk politics, but I am going to limit that to Rabid politics. This is more character analysis and press disregard depending on who is doing the talking.

I saw a sound bite on the new Tuesday of Hillary saying she would not get personal, but would keep the conversation to the issues only. I thought this was brilliant, It would prevent most of Trump's vitriol, make him look petty, and show that Hillary probably has a much better grip on her positions (she HAS positions) that Donald does.

However, I was skeptical for a number of reasons:
 First of all, she and Bill were the masters of the dirty, underhanded and nasty campaigning ( a page effectively taken by our fearless leader in his thrashing of Romney the Weak).

Secondly, I didn't think that she has the moral fiber to actually stick to such a promise. Both because she is nasty and thrives on fighting in the gutter, and because she can't keep her word.

Lastly, you can always tell when Hillary is lying, She has a wonderful Tell. Her lips move.

So I was not really that surprised when ONE DAY later, she was harping about Trump not releasing his tax returns. Last time I checked, a candidate releasing tax returns is not an issue facing the country. Just as a quick aside into this whole thing about returns. We want our politicians to release them, since we want to see how they are profiting from the public trust, such as being paid for speeches, books, etc, things they would not have access to without being politicians. I think there should be a different standard for business people who decide to go into politics, but did not make and take their money at the public trough.

So we see Hillary for what she really is, an opportunistic liar who will say anything to get elected, and can't keep her word for even one day.


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

2016, Here We Are

Its been a  very long time, dear Reader, but the Good Doctor is back!!!!!

I wanted to see if something I wrote 8 years ago was still valid ( OF COURSE it was), so I checked the site to see. Once here, I was overwhelmed by a feeling of nostalgia for the good old blog, and wondered why i had basically abandoned it. One of the reasons that come to mind is politically I have been too vehement to post, ( between the jackwagon in the house and the bumbling republicans in congress, it is too depressing and upsetting to write).  Another is that once I perfected the waffle, I lost a major stream of writing. However, there are all other life milestones to write about as well, such as Black (Green?) Friday, and the foibles of people and the good Dr. himself.

So I will try to revitalize the site. I hope to see you all in the comments section. Please feel free to offer topics. I think i will generally stay away from most politics, as this season seems to really fire people up, but you never know.

Friday, October 24, 2014

To Help or Not

Should it be considered admirable for someone to help others, and then possibly cause an epidemic all the way on the other side of the world? This is equivalent for someone who would stop short so as not to hit a bug, but cause the person behind him to swerve into a tree. The first driver feels real good about himself, because he thinks he did a good deed. however, he doesn't really care that his actions will have a disastrous effect on other innocent people.

Just wondering.

Friday, May 2, 2014


The fuss being made over the unlamented demise of Clayton D. Lockett in an Oklahoma death chamber shows how far into madness the world has descended.

Lockett, who shot, raped and buried alive a 19 year old girl and outlived his victim by almost 15 years was an unrepentant brute, who, even on the day of his execution, had to be violently restrained by his prison keepers.

Apparently, his death was a bit painful, but swift enough. He was seen to writhe and clench his teeth, perhaps at the prospect of imminent death or maybe only in response to the drugs that killed him,.

Nevertheless, the whole panoply of liberal activists who usually come out of the woodwork in such circumstances, feel there is something wrong with the way death is administered to convicted murderers. Even our president got into the act by suggesting that the Attorney General look into the matter, clearly overreaching his authority. Did Lockett's victim meet a kinder, gentler, death. Was it less painful to be shot and then buried alive, in pain from the bullet and slowly asphyxiating as the earth piled up on her and snuffed out her life?

The ultimate irony is that many of these same protesters feel it alright to murder - nay encourage the practice - unborn babies in the name of womens' rights while at the same time worrying  about a beast like Lockett, without a shred of remorse for his innocent victim.

Something is rotten not only in the state of Denmark but in the rest of the world as well